Mars Base

Temi Oyen

2014年06月18日 06:05

The primary objective may be mining, so the base rather seems like a mine rather than a station.

A base in the depths of Valles Marineris. In SL, underground facilities is exposed by putting camera down. But in the RPG, any ability like this that a human/machine couldn’t realistically accomplish through augmentation are not permitted.

There might be some area where terraforming was not completed. Airlocks are at the base.

There is Coca Cola that is also seen around the world. In China it is described as “good mouth good joy”

While strolling around the base, there were several doors saying restricted area. Found myself at a door to outside that does not open. Somewhere along the line I got into the restricted zone. Sorry…

At the front yard of the base, there was a statue made of sand of Mars. Judging from the margin to do this kind of work, even in the harsh environment the human life could be somewhat down-to-Mars. Next time I will return to the city.
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