Insilico today

Temi Oyen

2019年07月20日 18:05

Relating to my favorite sites, visited Insilico after some interval. It is joy to see something new every time. This one could have been there but one of the thinning beautiful shops.
Welcome Center:

Major change is increased auto-moving characters. That was done by camp systems before. A huge model dancing in front of a shop, the dance is not so sexy though.

The pole dance that I took picture before, now there is an automated dancing figure.

One of the robots in the city. For some reason she is using umbrella. We avatars do not care for getting wet.

A waitress at Buddha Bowl. She was a cute girl before but now is a robot.

A bit hard-looking receptionist at AGIS was also changed to a robot.

The board says “It’s faster if we let a pro do it.” Does this mean to increase robots more? I will enter the AGIS Medical next time.

Old articles of INSILICO, 2018:
Old articles of INSILICO, 2016;
Old articles of INSILICO, 2914: