To Die 3

Temi Oyen

2019年11月16日 18:05

While discussing about a shot-down pose in a snowball fight at the yearend event in Edo, Pipinpa the leader of Edo Meguni Group suddenly fell down. Bleeding at a snawball fight? In this situation such as when I was hit by a car and was left as it was, nobody would look after.

At the snowball fight, I and my chummy friend Komomo have gone together. There was no bleeding though. I on the right is still holding a snowball. Sorry to see Komomo in such chilly situation, but she would not feel it anymore….

Mizuki bitten by a tyrannosaur at the joint exhibition with her, Out of Bounds World. Another tyrannosaur in addition to the one in the picture was hiding behind the wall and several guests were sacrificed.
The old article:

Kazumi again. She was dancing as a nurse but suddenly kissed the dust and emergency crews came in. Normally they would not carry a person in this shape if she is alive… We guessed the cause of death and the most probable one was that she was an assassin disguising a nurse and inadvertently shot herself. I tried to shoot her dead face but abruptly she wide opened her mouth, it astounded me like shouting “I am still alive!”.
