Sayonara UWA

Temi Oyen

2020年12月06日 18:05

The SIM of UWA (University of Western Australia) that has stopped activity for these years will be closed at the end of this year. Following the LEA, another SL art program will be vanished.

The last exhibition was opened the other day, the theme was Gratitude, at the special stage above the campus.

At the golden age, there were hundreds of arts from over forty countries in the world, that filled multi storied stage. The awarding ceremonies were held at the permanent stage using four SIMs in the sky. Also, there were several full-SIM art projects. This time the exhibition are on a single floor which is not filled up, and there are several posters of past events.

Not so many new displays and some are parts of the past exhibition.

The Winthlop Hall that represents the real one. There had been many arts exhibitions in the front yard. This was the first experience for me to touch the SL arts. Contests were held every month, and I introduced more than 60 artists in my blog. I was privileged with the honor of being one of the judges once. Thank you UWA, for the long period of activities.

Inside of the hall, the chairs are under cleaning up. Lonely graduation ceremony only for me…

The last event the other day. I woke up at 4:00am Japan time, but there were only live music performances and no ceremony. There was only one artist who I know. (Please side-scroll.) On the day I had an appointment for tennis, so I stayed only one hour and went to bed again. Is there any event on the last day at the end of the year? If you were interested in the past exhibition, please crick the UWA in the left “Category” column. The exhibition this time will stay until the end of the year.