Remove Clothing

Temi Oyen

2022年08月27日 18:05

In the last article I introduced to remove other person’s clothing’s. I feel a bit uneasy, so I tried it. Since it is impossible to do oneself, I asked my sister to help me. The other day I executed her, so this time I will be the victim.

I would not introduce how to do but it could not be so difficult. The things that can be erased are added objects and it might be impossible to take off clothing that are worn as a classic way. As I wrote before, the alpha layer is not possible to be removed, so it would not be serious trouble since we are wearing alpha normally, except in care dare to be seen. If you were expecting such situation, you could wear special under wear and remove the alpha^-^

Any add-on objects can be erased, including hair or glasses. Recently I am wearing sunglasses since I am neglecting eye makeup, but it could be OK since nobody would like to see a bald head, and it is hard to erase the sunglasses only.
