

Favorite face

Looked for Bento DEMO. Visited a dozen of shops and got many DEMO, but none of them are editable. So returning to the start line, I reconsidered what kind of face I would like to have. I told to my friend “a beautiful young girl from northern Europe… I saw many beautiful shapes through the internet. They are so charming and cute, but considering them as my own face in SL… It is said that few beautiful women are satisfied with their own face, although anyone of then is much better than me. ^-^

We cannot change faces in RL from now. There is a limit in facelift. I had imagined it would be possible to create any face in SL… I wrote before, the thing that is not available in SL is a nice beaming face. Even with some skewed independent facial parts, there are many attractive smiling faces in RL, but why cannot be done in SL? The HUD of Bento may contains only somewhat strange facial expressions.

The left picture is on a pose ball set in the art, “THE INEVITABILITY OF FATE, A story about Angry Beth and Lot” by Rose Borchovski. Please visit my old article. The facial expressions of Lot seen in this art are so cute! There were many cool art SIMs before…
Angry beth 2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248019.html

The body shape in SL is acceptable, but I would like to have some gravity effects. The busts, belly, and flesh on arms and legs should move according to the gravity. They go flat when lying face up, and droop down when become limp. It may not be necessary to go so realistic since avatars are not human, but anyway I gave up to buy Bento.

If you were interested in faces, please visit “Face” category in my old articles


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces


Money, money, money

The theme of the October Photo Contest at Pochi Aquarium was “Money”, but nobody applied so far. Money is not easy to shoot as a photo theme. I took a money tree that has been very kind of me. This one is not the picture that I submitted to the contest. There is a trivia game here that gives L$2 for each correct answer. There are 50 questions every time so I can get some amount of L$. When I was working in SL, I paid for three homes, total about L$10,000 every month and also was earning almost the same, but after quitting jobs, I am living in narrow circumstances. At that time I thought nothing about camping or lucky boards since L$20 is only 10 yen in RL, but now I realized the value of money recently, it is hard to get money, both in RL and SL.

Money reminds me of “Money, money, money” in the movie Mamma Mia. Also there was “Money” by Pink Floyd. I should have took these kind of images for the contest…
Money, money, money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzuwUj7rwk  
Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0kcet4aPpQ

Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Photo techniques