

Shooting Drum Play

There has been a stage for the Japanese summer festival at Kazumi’s SIM. Since my clothing on the day was not good for the dances there, I played the Japanese dram. While selecting the camera angle, incidentally the camera went into the dram body.

The stage at the middle. The person dancing on the right is Alha, who came here after a long interval.

Alha also joined the drum play. With the cute face like a juvenile, the high-energy movement of the fully grown-up body was so cool.

She kindly changed into Yukata. There is somewhat strange charm of harmless or endearing girl.

My clothing was one of the mix and match that I introduced last time, with three different cloths together.

Dynamic movement should be better for this style, but not good for the Japanese dancing at all.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Photo techniques


Mix and Match

Since the clothing of Sachiko was so cool, I bought some but they were too scanty for me, so I wore several layers of them, ended up with a bit SF feeling.

As a typhoon approaches us, I used it for a rain apparel. Sorry for the original designer.

It also looks good on a normal clothing. This shop is not the one I got it though.

This clothing is sort of a strange combination, but it might fit with any crazy atmosphere.

I used to wear a suitable clothing when I visited a strange place, but I can do with any spot with this funny combination. This SIM seems not for RPG, so I feel strangely easy rather with this completely OOC apparel.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces