

Death of Sachiko

The other day, I killed Miruru my friend. The picture was not suitable for the blog, so I showed it to her eyes only, but it was well accepted and she made request for the next victim. So, I asked Sachiko what is her favorite way to die. Her answer was “In a bathtub”, which is not so easy. If with nude, it only seems like a relaxing pose. Please imagine it here, with clothing and moveless water.

For the drowning, there was a famous painting. But the neck angle on the original is strange. The heavy head should not be floating like that, except under rigor mortis. But if the head was sunk, the beautiful face could not be seen and I made also strange angle. As I noticed on the painting “Night mare” in an old article, the skill of painters is awesome.

I decided to sink Sachiko, who made up her mind and fixated her eyes on me.

I found the courage to push her down. This picture was taken long time ago. I lost this bathtub in my inventory.

I did CPR for the unconscious Sachiko. I lost this animation also. If anyone knows the CPR animation, please let me know.

CPR with somewhat practiced hand. But when imaging to pinch Sachiko’s good-looking nose and open her beautiful lips, my heart started racing. Sachiko, looking forward to the girls meeting at a hotel!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces


Pop-eyed Bug

The other day Miruru’s face became terrible. They said that this happens often when changing the shape back from animation characters. I gathered again some facial bugs here.

There was a bug when returning from animation characters before. This is the one at an early time of mesh head.

This I experience often when returning to mesh head from classic ones. Be careful when changing outfit in public.

A stranger bug at classic avatar age. The left is me, but I never made this shape. The right is my frind becoming completely different person. This could be cooler than the original^-^

The open-mouth bug that is not seen recently. This is one of the Linden bugs that happens when too many avatars gathered. This cannot be seen by self.

This is also an old texture bug. The left had a dress texture on the face, the right, the face texture on the pants.

The last but not the least, Pin2. Her very cute nose opens slightly at tension. But she herself does not realize, so this could be a kind of bug for her.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Bugs



In the previous article, the last picture Nopperabou was Sachiko. A friend looked at it and said to do Fukuwarai using it. So I put some faces in it. The left is face painting. While drawing arouhd Sachiko’s nose and eyes, my heart started pounding. The right is the strongest and most beautiful animal in the earth, stronger than the Cat Woman^-^
(Fukuwarai is a Japanese new year game, like pin a tale on donkey, put parts of face to an empty face)

The right is from my favorite music, Masquerade. The left is from a Halloween costume found in the net, done by actual person! The dress for the right was gorgeous, and the idea and special makeup for the left were awesome! Second Life is losing^-^

My friend Miruru also made some, the left, cool, the right, cute, which she thinks. There is no copyright in avatar face in SL, so it is free to shoot, modify, or use pictures, but I am always getting approval. The below are not avatar, so if there were someone alike these faces, please forgive us.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces