

Clothing Bug

Long interval in my blog but I have been doing girl’s talk with my friends. I introduced nude bug before, but recently we have may reading-lag bug at the meeting area. In some cases, the dress disappears and leaves underwear only.

On the left, she lost her dress, who I dare not name her but my longing beautiful athletic body. The right is Miruru, who is not missing clothing but this is her full dressing.

Miruru showing her glamorous body with not the nude bug seen whenever entered, but while changing clothing on site, sorry for that. These pictures are only for demonstrating the bug and some parts were derendered together with tables and others^-^


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Bugs



Miruru wore sunglasses with eyeballs attached, so I made them too. Do not mention that this is better than the original.

This is Miruru, like a very strong glasses for the farsighted. Different from me, she would not become scary. I envy a cute person^-^

Asked friends to find all eight, but they found them so easily.

The two on the busts were made before for a bikini contest, where nobody noticed it.

I expected that the one behind the ponytail will be hard to find, but they noticed it before those on glasses.

There was someone remove by clothing or peek from underneath, I set this when I wore mini. But recently it is not used since I wore alpha on the spot.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Photo techniques


Welcome Hub again

At the welcome center of SL, there has been a big signboard of interest. I found that it was completed and visited there.

The framework is the same, and only that I found is several presentation stages in a full SIM. What is the difference from the SLEA project that provided many SIMs for arts using full SIM? I am looking forward to the presentation coming, but it would not look different if they were art presentations, and more disappointing if those were advertisements.
Welcome: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WelcomeHub/109/76/25

Motown: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Motown/126/120/24/ 
Next to the welcome center, there is a demonstration of cityscape, which is wintry scene now.

It was so meticulously made, and drastically different from the field when I started SL fifteen years ago. If I had seen this when I entered SL first time, how was the excitement! Or nothing special for current person who got accustomed to open world games now?

It was made realistic up to the back streets, but it is rather dreamless world… “We expected to see new world, but everyone only made islands in the south”. It is said someone in SL management said. But the town made by Linden himself, looks the one found around every corner. Or is this the new target now?

It ended up with a picture for realter advertisement, but that could be the purpose of Linden. I might return to the question, “What is the SL?”  It is OK for me since I have been enjoying it im my way^-
What is the SL?: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1717590.html


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Virtual World



I introduced my customized track ball with thumbtack head for easy operation, the right button is Go-stone, the large thumbtack on the keyboard is for screen shot. Buit the left button failed. Cleaning did not help. I hesitated to buy a new one since it is expensive, but Miruru gave me a hint to use two mouses.

I put another mouse next to the track ball to use the left button only. The grayish part is a height adjuster made by sculpted eraser. It is possible to use as before. This is not useful idea since there will be no case like this^-^


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Photo techniques


Churches in SL

Following the top picture of a church in the previous article, visited several churches in SL. This is the one close to my house, Kazumi’s church, a cute one that can be seen in countryside in Spain of France, with a bell tower on the roof.

There are animations provided as wedding ceremony, where Kazumi takes a role of the father. It will be possible to celebrate a wedding now. At an early age, I was worried if he proposed me, but all I had were broken hearts and no chance. In process of time I got a partner in RL and ended up with a SL single.

The most famous one in SL could be Mont Saint Michael, that still exists, bit it is not connected to the mainland now and only a part of the entrance road was left on the island. Still it is possible to walk all the way to the top church, but the housing and shops on the way look vacant than before.

The biggest one ever I saw in SL was the Kolner Dom, that is not anymore. The right is the real one. Since the SL one was made at the age where neither sculp nor huge prim. It used more than 13000 prims out of the SIM capacity of 15000. It was sad that no interior was made maybe due to the prim availability.

This is rather new one. I do not see the original model, but the buttresses and surrounding buildings are made in detail. The whole building is using only 700 prims, that is the same as the prims used for one column line of the above cathedral.

The interior was made nicely using the prims. Amazingly there are stages for votive candles. Anyone can get a devotional candle and right click on it to edit to your special name and description. The candles set were more than 900. Every candle was made of two prims, so total will be 1800 only for those.

There are some churches that can be seen only in SL. This is an outdoor marriage-hall?

The curtains using full bright function are cool! Not only copies of actual church. I would like to see such a free design. But there is an eery cathedral floating in the air where devils may manage it.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Virtual World


Light-up change

Old trees were made of plane textures, so it was popular to use full bright. This is the chapel where my friend at Edo celebrating a wedding.

This was my old house. It might be impossible to do this illumination in RL, but I like this kind of brilliant trees as a special effect in SL,

Streetscape at Paris. The illumination became realistic, but less glorious than the old ones.

Instead, some arcade-style realistic illuminations became gorgeous.

All in all, bright spots at night are shops. But it is lonesome that there is no person.

Huge chandeliers at SL15B, 2018, using two SIMs. I would like to see this type in SL, although not realistic.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Virtual World


Bright forest

Street Illuminations are so beautiful this year that it takes time to see then joining a procession. Even in SL, there was beautiful ones like Luminaire. It is hard to see them in SL today. There are some bright trees. The famous one is the family tree at the planet Pandora. This is rather old and made of flat texture.

It could be hard to put many small lights on recent objects that were not made of flat texture. This one has many ones but it feels some loneliness. It is also hard to find beautiful light-ups in the World of Yana, that has been introducing wonderful pictures of sits. Yana, please let us know when you found some.

These are real lights on wisteria trellis. There were also gorgeous tunnels with LEDs and fantastic demonstrations.

There are many bright plants in Pandora, but the main character is a bit eery.

In the movie, these spirits were gathering together around the family tree. It was impressive to see them coming close to the character.

Was this in the movie? Floating creatures seen in many SIMs, also on the planet Mars.

When the movie Avatar was released, there were many planet Pandora or related shops, but I cannot find those for the Way of Water. Because of rack of creators or the second movie was not so popular as the first one? It was a new world suitable for SL, with floating rocks, creatures with six legs, or Ikran with psychomancy. Avatars in the movie were somewhat similar to the operators, so I made my one, that I have been using to find Dragons in SL new year.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Virtual World


Dragons in SL

Following the previous article, looked for dragons in SL. This is the largest one I ever saw, a basic shape but floating in the air.

In Japanese, dinosaur is called dreadful dragon, included in the dragon family? This is Diplodocus. There were many kinds of dinos in the ancient world SIM, unfortunately which disappeared now.

Avatars gathered together at the awarding ceremony at the University of Western Australia. The right is Leafy Sea Dragon that I saw a real one at an aquarium, about 40 cm length. This could be simulating sea weed, but why are there such a creature with this strange shape? I tend to believe that there is the Watchmaker, not following the doctrine of evolution.

I do not see any real creature that is model of this. Is this kin to sea horse?

As the Sphinx is female, it could be natural to see some lady dragons. This is from an art by Claudia222 Lewel.

An Ikran flying at the planet Pandora. It is possible to ride. All organisms at Pandora are based on six-leg system, accordingly Ikran has four wings and two legs. As the top of the evolution, the Navi also should have had four legs like Centaur, or four hands like Detective Megius.

This is not a dragon, but very beautiful vehicle, too expensive for me….


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Pet


Year of the Dragon

A Happy New Year of Dragon! I searched for dragons in SL. This is the most upstanding one.

Dragons have some dreadful image, but these ones are rather humorous, dancing in a temple yard.

The most popular spices in SL could be this type, lining up in a dragon firm. Like horses before, there will be many different types born through breeding.

Flying. This also could be raised from an egg? Horse breeding was a kind of business before.

This can fly on the back. It has gorgeous wings and two legs, that could be a kind of Western dragon, Wyvern,

This could be also Wyvern. The original dragon seems to be a huge snake with wings. Number of the legs; zero for Leviathan, two for Wyvern, four Grifin, and some has six like Tarasuk.

Shachihoko (an imaginary creature with a tiger head and a carp body, set on a roof of Japanese castle.) has a similar face but it is a fish, not a dragon. I got this flyable one at Edo. The below is Amakuni SIM. The meeting area Kikyo Memorial is just under the tower, the house in front of me is Pin2’s home cafe, and the white roof on the left is my home. The next below is the home of Hisanori the landlord. There are meetings every Saturday at Kikyo Memorial. Please visit!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 16:00Comments(0)Pet


North Pole

Several SIMs can be found by searching with North Pole, including shops just named so. But what are these numbers? The distance does not match and there seems to be no relation with the latitude.

Real Noth Pole. The directional sign will be true, written in km? But this could be set for tourists of “North Pole Tour” ^-^

There is an office of Santa Claus at the North Pole. Now he is sorting good and bad children watching the list.

Elves are working at the toy factory. It is cute that there is a bed room for many elves.

In the RL, Santa is at the town of Rovaniemi, Finland. More than 700,000 letters are coming to him every year from all over the world. This is a real photo of Rovaniemi, like a town in SL! Other way around, this might be the model of some villages in SL.

I searched for South Pole too, but there is none found in SL. This is the real South Pole, at the USA station.

Birds eye view of the Amundsen Scot South Pole Station. The south pole could be the right arrow surrounded by something. But according to the picture above, it could be on the left. The small difference like this might not matter.

The wintering team might spend Christmas and New Year here? It could be OK since it is bright at this time. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! For all readers too!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Sightseeing