

Beautiful Halloween

As the last of the Halloween tour this year, I will come back to the first and visited beautiful areas. There are some small villages celebrating joyful festival.

A small elementary school. It reminds me of the good old days when parents made clothing for us for the school event, and also the school bus witch my young brother wept copiously when he was on every morning.

An inviting gentleman who was in the London too. I think there are many kind characters this year. The skeleton behind me is a guide following me throughout the town. But that is only my personal feeling

Maybe I have been adjusted too much, I feel relaxed even while sitting alone in this kind of darkness,

While sitting in a forest, beautiful hoses came along. Both of them had name tugs above but no one was visible on the saddle. I thought they were invisible monsters but actually these hoses themselves were avatars. I would like to see them dancing^-^

I visited more than 80 spots and watched many dead bodies. Among them this is the most beautiful one among other dirty males. Even the small moles were reproduced, so this shape could be based on a real person. There are many beautiful avatars but they may not be equal to the real.

Last year, the most terrible presentation was a war, but this year that might be this heist or riot. After all, summits of the beauty and the beasty might be both human. While pretending to be smart, I will close the Halloween series this year. Thank all creators for the numerous presentations!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)


Coffin for Two

Found a coffin for two people. In Japan with cremation, legally it is OK to cremate two at one time. The capacity should be enough since a sumo wrestler can be handled. But if two bodies were set side by side, some parts could fall and might become half-baked. Accordingly, it would be rejected normally. Abroad, it may be accepted depending on the country. They said that there are some cases more than three persons set in a coffin.

There are some desires to be enter together with the beloved. Brazenly I asked Sachiko to join me. Although I was watching every day, in this direction her generous legs become highly visible. But they are too large if in RL. I might put her in the aunt-long-legs category^-^

Sleeping in peace after changing white dress. It is a dreamy scene that I could be in a same coffin next to her^-

Considered the situation how we died. On the rid of this coffin there are swords. By making the rid semi-transparent, the pose becomes that of worrier.

So, I did this way, for which Sachiko may scold me. Different from choking or hanging, there is no way to come back from this situation. But a good thing in SL is that it will be refreshed next day. Sachiko, please forgive me as a Halloween!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)


Halloween 3

I feel that there are less horrible monsters than last year. So, I put here some unique ones. This is just sleeping but the dolls are! I like everything if there are plenty of them, but this is a bit spooky.

A lot of candles are popular but these are in a piano. Goblins are trying to play it but only strange sounds come in.

I do not like Shibari, but it is OK to be a subject for experiment. They do not do anything though.

This looks like a briefing by a doctor rather than being attacked. I might have got used to it…

Spooky dining tables are also popular. In this site there are various sets on each room.

One of the common things that can be seen this year is hanging. But most of them are dirty male. The creators are feminists? Since there is no stool, those are not suicide pacts but executions. I switched them to female together with airing my dresses in the inventory. You may feel disgusted, but please evaluate a little the effort to draw this much^-^


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Virtual World


Halloween 2

Now visiting Halloween sites. Last year I visited only 20 spots but this time have visited about 80 sites on the list. Personally, I categorized the site as, festival, haunted house, spooky forest, and shop. This is October Fest. I have never been to the real one but remember the good days at the festival when it was at the suburbs of Los Angeles. The aurora in the sky looks spooky though.

Except the pumpkins and ghost lady, this could be a normal amusement park. But the spooks here are cute.

Pumpkin might be a good harvest this year. This is a beautiful forest with no special monster. I wore a dress with pumpkin color.

A typical dark chilly town is London, where nothing special comes out but it becomes rather daunting.

Last year I found a threatening gentleman at several sites. This year’s common character might be this barker with laud animation, working several site attracting customers. The guide book for 80 sites is available by toughing the blue sign behind.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)



The season has come. At the usual meeting area, numerous pumpkins dropped suddenly. I and Miruru were trying to avoid. The person who failed to escape was Refugee, but she did cause this mess.

Refugee with Halloween costume. She said this is Demonic Widow.

The costume may be made of prims but the flexibility is too light and it was hard to shoot SSs of the quick movement.

Looking into the face found a different one from normal Refugee, a gorgeous beauty! This is a classic avatar, that reminds me of the legendary beautiful twin dancers, the Typer sisters at Sekigetuka, that was introduced in SL guide books.

Again. looked for the alike and found Ashlynn Brooke. Last time it was a female soldier but this is a porn actress!  That could be acceptable for Refugee, who is unidentifiable and chameleon person^-^

At the Pub Sachiko, not always there are some strange characters. Normally there are guests centered on a cute Mama and assistants, enjoying girls talk. Please visit! Males are also welcome.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces



In front of Pin2's house in the Amakuni SIM, there is GUNDAM standing, which is a gorgeous one using more than 300 prims. Besides the exhibition model, there is a wearing type, of which height is less than the model for some reason. This is not the law of perspective^-^.

Hisanori wore it and broke in the usual meeting area, where many classic cars, sport cars, and also tanks and warplanes are situated.

Normally this kind of wearing model has provided with several moving patterns as presets, bit this GUNDAM moves as the avatar does, synchronizing dances perfectly. The avatar inside should be enlarged too.

I removed the attachment while he was wearing them and found the inside avatar, which is big change from the normal child shape of Hisanori.

The title GunDance may sounds strange, but it could be OK since there are GunCannon or GunTank. But why are they in such shape for battles in the space? The hands could be acceptable but the caterpillar! That could be, “Those are nothing but garnishes. Executives do not understand it.” That famous line in the comic was mostly misused as, “The legs are nothing but garnishes.” So. the caterpillar was also a garnish^-^. Although it was said that when developed there was no reliable legs available for that heavy armor.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Baba Meeting Area


Law of Perspective

My friend asked me how I did the trick in the last article, to make the small room looked large. It was done by making the elements gradually smaller. This method could be used in a small warehouse. I am glad if this could be useful for you.

The key is, to make the space between the elements smaller proportional to the size. Another trick is to make two sets reversing each other and make the back side transparent to let the reversed set is seen when looking back. So, when you look back, the perspective works on both sides and makes an illusion that whole panels to be set with the same spacing.

As shown in the pictures, this method could be used also for repeated structure, but I was not able to find effective design and did not use it. Practically, the element size in front of you becomes smaller according to the position, but it will not be problem if the subjects are set at an eye level, since there is no feeling of distance in SL and the panel size will be changed according to the position of avatar and camera.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Temis Gallery


Gallery Closed

I closed my galleries that I kept all the time since I started SL. There were more than 50 events, including pictures of dance shows, or a joint exhibition with Mizuki, but recently I have not refreshed the pictures.

The building was not well-adopted to the environment, and recent exhibition was in bad taste, which may have caused the community problems. I tried to put a normal house, but still it looks strange?

This is a free house that I got many years ago, but could be made for an office with only two rooks. The back is a bedroom with animations, and some pictures of poor tase, but please forgive them as a private space.

There residents in this community like vehicles, so there are many kinds situated. I put chopper on the roof too. On the right there is Spruce Goose that I introduced before. In the harbor, there was a start/goal line for yacht races that made it possible to do a race in the public sea in front of it. The black roof behind the white cruiser is a public bath, and there is Kikyo Memorial in front of it, which is a famous club for 17 years ago. There is a regular meeting every Saturday. Please visit to meet some old friends!

It is a private matter; I have made six galleries till now. The biggest one was on a land with 2000 prims, together with private yacht harbor. This is the one before the last one, after quitting job, when moved to a small land for less money. Since there was nothing around it, I did not care for the appearance and made with a single cube consist of three prims.

The inside of the box above was like this, a trick using the law of perspective. I do not have an energy to engineer this structure anymore. But the effort did not pay off and the number of visitors was the least among the six galleries. A part of reason could be nothing around^-^

In the rather small box, there were 160 pictures. At that time, I was not using slide show, that I was using in the last one that exhibiting more than 200 pictures at the same time. But the exhibition had bad taste and only a few limited visitors were there. All the same, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you all who visited my gallery!


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Gallery


Sleeping and dead faces

As one of the things that can be done only in SL, I have been writing several articles regarding death. Pin2 said that ”Anyone comes into play with Temi will be killed once at least.” But I did so only with my close friends^-^ I became aware that there is no difference between face of sleep, faint, and death. This time I asked Sachiko to be the model. This is in a coffin at the last Halloween.

Also in the RL, it is hard to distinguish the asphyxiation and death only with a picture.
Regarding the sleep, there could be some difference that I wrote at the previous article, sleeping ugly.

Sachiko is beautiful even while sleeping. The above is in a coffin, the below, my bed, both of them are the same SS. Is it my imagination that only the one in the bed looks breathing calmly?


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces


Sleeping Ugly

Recently Refugee is taking nap at the bench. We have a feeling of bad manner to look on someone’s sleeping face, but also losing something if not watching.

Refugee is very cute, but there is a Japanese word Sleeping ugly. Own sleeping face is cause for concern, since it is not a simple closing eyes or unconscious face, but may exhibit some strange facial expression.

I asked Pin2 to sleep on her bed at her home. Sure, she is cute! The elements of the sleeping ugly are said to be, slightly opened eyes and wide opened mouth while sleeping faceup. In the net, there was a person who accidentally watched a sleeping face of very beautiful lady, and was so disgusted that he tried to avoid such chance. Naturally no one would like to watch a sleeping face of a dirty male.

So, I intentionally made Pin2’s eyes and mouth opened. But she is cute after all! There was a comic where a girl was sleeping like this, and her friend put some salt in the mouth. Sure, I would like to try it too^-^

Regarding myself, it is not cute at all as usual, a kind of Sleeping ugly. Someone said that any provoking attitude can be accepted if her smile and sleep face were cute. Sorry but neither one is for me. But it could be OK since at least one person in RL does not feel disgusted by watching my sleeping face.


Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05Comments(0)Faces