

Physical pendulum

I sent an apology IM to Emilin the artist of the ‘Dangling Chain’, and then she said, “It is all right :) I have sent you a copy for your own to play with ;)” I lost no time in setting it at Temi’s Teahouse, but was surprised that it was larger than I thought since I had seen it at wide place. I will put it for a while here although it might be heavy.
Temi’s Teahouse: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Baba%20Twins/168/99/22

Physical pendulum

I have already checked that it would break when I sit on them, so I tried to stand in front of the pendulum. It pushed me into the pond properly. I stayed there adamantly, then the thread snapped and the balls scattered in all direction. But this time I was not brushed and the system was reset naturally. Very fine arrangement should be there in the system.

Physical pendulum

同じカテゴリー(Temis Teahouse)の記事画像
The last cherry
Amigos at Baba
同じカテゴリー(Temis Teahouse)の記事
 The last cherry (2013-03-29 06:36)
 Amigos at Baba (2013-03-02 07:04)
 Burning (2013-02-09 11:43)
 Winter (2012-12-11 06:25)
 Autumn (2012-10-12 06:34)
 Flowers (2012-07-31 06:40)
Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:49│Comments(0)Temis Teahouse