Dante's Divine Comedy
Visited the first exhibition of LEA Full SIM Art Series. The series will continue until next March and two arts will be presented each month. The first one is Rebeca Bashly's 'Inferno' that is based upon the nine circles of suffering described in the first part of Dante's Divine Comedy. This is the entrance gate. Above the gate, there is the famous statement, “Forsake all hope, all you that enter here”.
Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625

There is the poet Virgil, who stands at every circle as a teleporter to the next. At first I saw him as a strange old chap, but while proceeding with the tour, he became a reliable and friendly partner. In order to TP, touch and sit on him. But the one at the gate does not do anything when sitting.

I have heard the name of Divine Comedy, but did not know what it was. Taking this occasion, I will make a tour around it. Dante's Divine Comedy consists of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. This SIM is treating the first one only, but still it is lengthy. One evening, Dante lost his way in a forest and met a poet Virgil, and asked him to guide toward heaven through Inferno and Purgatorio. This is the first circle, Limbo, that is a region on the edge of hell and it is meant for those who did not accept Christ. On a grass ground, in front of groups of white translucent figures sitting on the grass in the dark, these are some of the great thinkers, wise men, scientists, poets and philosophers.

The second circle, Lust, contains those led astray by lust. There is a deep hole, out of which reddish, translucent whirlwind of faces appear, which demonstrates the conflict of love and lust and the tension between attraction and desire.

The third circle, Gluttony: This is a gloomy place where people those involved with self-indulgence and addiction lie scattered in a brownish area containing vile slush and mud produced by a never-ending muddy rain. In the original poem, here comes Cerberus with three fearful heads.

The fourth circle, Greed: People those plagued by overconsumption are pushing large heavy balls against each other, investing an enormous amount of effort, going nowhere, no winner, and it never ends.

The fifth circle, Anger: Groups of deadly pale individuals covered in blood, biting off each others' flesh, in agony and struggling.

The sixth circle, Heresy, is a location where violent and malicious sins are punished and buried in pits of fire. This is the Gate of Dis, the entrance of the ironclad walls of the city. There are three blood covered furies with threatening heads.

The seventh circle, Violence: The sinners are delivered to each area according to their sin, resulting in a river of blood, being forged to bizarre trees that are picked by monstrous bird Harpies, or finding themselves on barren sand ignited by sparks of fire. These areas are guarded by violent Centaurs and Minotaur. The huge Minotaur in the dark mist is one of the most fearful creatures I ever saw in SL.

The eighth circle, Fraud: Those guilty of deliberate evil are divided into ten Bolgie (eveil pockets). This is the first pocket for seducers. In this art, some of them are presented. The sinners who abducted and sold women are beaten with whips by horned goblins.

The third pocket, Simony: The sinners who sold holy things and attained them are piled into a hole with his top down and his feet shooting out fire. This is really "Cool down head, warm up feet"?

The fifth pocket, Corrupt politicians: The sinners are put in burning bituminous coal, and racked by goblins. The eighth circle is the longest part in the original poem, but there is no detailed explanation included the note card attached to this art and I am not sure from which parts these came from. So these are based on my imagination. Please accept some errors.

The tenth pocket, Falsifiers: The sinners who did various falsification or legerdemain are in agony of bad pestilence.

The sixth pocket, Hypocrites: The sinners hopelessly keep walking with a heavy coat made with lead that is overlaid with gold only for the appearance.

The seventh pocket, Thieves: When a snake gives one bite on the neck of burglars, they will flame out and incinerated to a bunch of bones. The ash will gather together and build up a man again.

The appearance of the eighth circle. Several pockets are lined in a huge cave. Virgil will give us the TP, but we can fly across the circle.

The ninth circle, Treachery, contains those who have committed acts which involve betray-ing some kind of special relationship. These traitors are frozen in a green-blue, or teal, colored lake of ice known as Cocytus. Ice spikes surround them. In the very centre of Hell, condemned for committing the ultimate sin, personal treachery against God, is Satan. Sa-tan presents with three faces. This circle was also presented at the UWA 3D Art Challenge before. This is the end of the tour. I was not able to find the exit, so I asked one of guests around, but she said, "Exit out of hell? Forget it."

The total of nine circles is made in a space of about 200m width, 200m length, and 600m height. As the original poem, the nine circles were set from the top entrance to the bottom accordingly. The labor of the artist who set this whole thing within a short period is amazing. I would express my appreciation for giving me a chance to touch the Divine Comedy that I would never read without this art. Thank you Rebeca! Looking forward to seeing also the Purgatorio, and Paradiso!

This art has been introduced in many blogs. There is a list at UWA page, where my one is also included. The one in the early part, "Aiden Witrial's The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias" is very nice. Among many machinima that swing camera deliriously, this one catches the monstrous bird Harpies through tranquil pictures. Also the lighting is excellent! (The below is not it. Please visit the site.)
UWA in SL: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/
Harpies: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/2011/10/aiden-witrials-suicide-forest-infested.html

In the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES, one SIM will be given to the artist on the 1st day of the month. When to launch the show will be up to the artist. It means that this Inferno will disappear on October 31. Please do not miss it!
Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625

There is the poet Virgil, who stands at every circle as a teleporter to the next. At first I saw him as a strange old chap, but while proceeding with the tour, he became a reliable and friendly partner. In order to TP, touch and sit on him. But the one at the gate does not do anything when sitting.

I have heard the name of Divine Comedy, but did not know what it was. Taking this occasion, I will make a tour around it. Dante's Divine Comedy consists of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. This SIM is treating the first one only, but still it is lengthy. One evening, Dante lost his way in a forest and met a poet Virgil, and asked him to guide toward heaven through Inferno and Purgatorio. This is the first circle, Limbo, that is a region on the edge of hell and it is meant for those who did not accept Christ. On a grass ground, in front of groups of white translucent figures sitting on the grass in the dark, these are some of the great thinkers, wise men, scientists, poets and philosophers.

The second circle, Lust, contains those led astray by lust. There is a deep hole, out of which reddish, translucent whirlwind of faces appear, which demonstrates the conflict of love and lust and the tension between attraction and desire.

The third circle, Gluttony: This is a gloomy place where people those involved with self-indulgence and addiction lie scattered in a brownish area containing vile slush and mud produced by a never-ending muddy rain. In the original poem, here comes Cerberus with three fearful heads.

The fourth circle, Greed: People those plagued by overconsumption are pushing large heavy balls against each other, investing an enormous amount of effort, going nowhere, no winner, and it never ends.

The fifth circle, Anger: Groups of deadly pale individuals covered in blood, biting off each others' flesh, in agony and struggling.

The sixth circle, Heresy, is a location where violent and malicious sins are punished and buried in pits of fire. This is the Gate of Dis, the entrance of the ironclad walls of the city. There are three blood covered furies with threatening heads.

The seventh circle, Violence: The sinners are delivered to each area according to their sin, resulting in a river of blood, being forged to bizarre trees that are picked by monstrous bird Harpies, or finding themselves on barren sand ignited by sparks of fire. These areas are guarded by violent Centaurs and Minotaur. The huge Minotaur in the dark mist is one of the most fearful creatures I ever saw in SL.

The eighth circle, Fraud: Those guilty of deliberate evil are divided into ten Bolgie (eveil pockets). This is the first pocket for seducers. In this art, some of them are presented. The sinners who abducted and sold women are beaten with whips by horned goblins.

The third pocket, Simony: The sinners who sold holy things and attained them are piled into a hole with his top down and his feet shooting out fire. This is really "Cool down head, warm up feet"?

The fifth pocket, Corrupt politicians: The sinners are put in burning bituminous coal, and racked by goblins. The eighth circle is the longest part in the original poem, but there is no detailed explanation included the note card attached to this art and I am not sure from which parts these came from. So these are based on my imagination. Please accept some errors.

The tenth pocket, Falsifiers: The sinners who did various falsification or legerdemain are in agony of bad pestilence.

The sixth pocket, Hypocrites: The sinners hopelessly keep walking with a heavy coat made with lead that is overlaid with gold only for the appearance.

The seventh pocket, Thieves: When a snake gives one bite on the neck of burglars, they will flame out and incinerated to a bunch of bones. The ash will gather together and build up a man again.

The appearance of the eighth circle. Several pockets are lined in a huge cave. Virgil will give us the TP, but we can fly across the circle.

The ninth circle, Treachery, contains those who have committed acts which involve betray-ing some kind of special relationship. These traitors are frozen in a green-blue, or teal, colored lake of ice known as Cocytus. Ice spikes surround them. In the very centre of Hell, condemned for committing the ultimate sin, personal treachery against God, is Satan. Sa-tan presents with three faces. This circle was also presented at the UWA 3D Art Challenge before. This is the end of the tour. I was not able to find the exit, so I asked one of guests around, but she said, "Exit out of hell? Forget it."

The total of nine circles is made in a space of about 200m width, 200m length, and 600m height. As the original poem, the nine circles were set from the top entrance to the bottom accordingly. The labor of the artist who set this whole thing within a short period is amazing. I would express my appreciation for giving me a chance to touch the Divine Comedy that I would never read without this art. Thank you Rebeca! Looking forward to seeing also the Purgatorio, and Paradiso!

This art has been introduced in many blogs. There is a list at UWA page, where my one is also included. The one in the early part, "Aiden Witrial's The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias" is very nice. Among many machinima that swing camera deliriously, this one catches the monstrous bird Harpies through tranquil pictures. Also the lighting is excellent! (The below is not it. Please visit the site.)
UWA in SL: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/
Harpies: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/2011/10/aiden-witrials-suicide-forest-infested.html

In the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES, one SIM will be given to the artist on the 1st day of the month. When to launch the show will be up to the artist. It means that this Inferno will disappear on October 31. Please do not miss it!
Posted by Temi Oyen at 20:16│Comments(0)