


For a wonder there was a guest from Russia at Baba Meeting Area. He said that he was a pilot for Russian air force and is living in Taiga where there is no lake within 15 miles around his house. I visited a SIM that he introduced. It is not like tropical rainforest but coniferous forest getting much sunlight.
Taiga: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Pyramid/223/190/27


The blow is taiga shown in Wikipedia. Taiga is boreal forest in Russia and Canada. There is big difference in temperature and extreme minimums in the taiga are typically lower than those of the tundra and the lowest temperature in the Northern hemisphere were recorded in the taiga of Russia.


A whole SIM is made for the forest, and there are extended non-accessible forest around the SIM that gives a feeling of huge forest. There is only one house in this land. This kind of green house can be seen in other places but it gives special feeling in this space.


Lakeshore at dusk. The gentleman who introduced here did not say whether he is living in taiga in RL or SL, but since there is a lake here, it might be RL.


The forest became dark at night. It is interesting to see the moonlight reflection on the lake looks different than that at my home.


There was a camp site nearby, so I crept into a tent. I will stay the night although I feel lonely…


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 Let it snow (2023-11-28 18:05)
Posted by Temi Oyen at 19:04│Comments(0)Sightseeing