


I ran into the PRG while looking for caverns during my summer vacation, after watching TV program regarding Wind Cave at Mt. Fuji. I searched with word ‘cave’ and ‘caverns’, and was visiting all of them one by one, bit did not find few realistic caverns. The following SSs were taken at many place where I cannot remember, and not relating to each other. But entrances are always exciting and expecting.


It seems that it is easy to create caverns in SL, but there is few big one. But it is interesting to walk through branched cave where I cannot see what I will encounter.


This could be the cave in the RPG where a dragon nests. I would like to visit again but they said it had better keep away from a dangerous place. I mentioned I would like to see a dragon but they also advised not to mention it. It will be out of manner of the RPG.


In my childhood in the USA, I was taken to a huge calcareous cave, Luray Caverns. I only remember that it was very large, but it seemed much beautiful than this. Could anyone advise me with Stalactite cave in SL if any?


This is the Staracpipe Organ at Luray Caverns. Many hammers were set on numerous stalactites and generate beautiful sound through the console. I do not recall any sound or music though. This picture is from Wikipedia.


North Pole
Christmas Tree
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Alone in the snow
Let it snow
 North Pole (2023-12-23 18:05)
 Christmas Tree (2023-12-19 18:05)
 Ski in SL (2023-12-12 18:05)
 Christmas (2023-12-05 18:05)
 Alone in the snow (2023-12-02 18:05)
 Let it snow (2023-11-28 18:05)
Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05│Comments(0)Sightseeing