

Redwood Forest

Visited LEA Full-SIM art in February, California Redwood Forest by Sea Mizin. It was presented by the end of February and I missed to introduce it here.

Redwood Forest

Redwood forest will be one of the most loved park by American. It is included in my favorite folk song.
  This land is your land, this land is my land.
  From California to the New York Island
  From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf stream Waters
  This land was made for you and me.

Redwood Forest

A nice image of the redwood forest is created within a limited space of one SIM. A small drawback is that it is necessary to select camera position and angle to get the atmosphere.

Redwood Forest

The below is a picture of the redwood forest in Wikipedia. This picture seems to be a normal wooded area for me. I feel that the place I visited in RL was more like the SIM than this one.

Redwood Forest

The below is Taiga that I visited before. It was nice to be able to keep walking in the spacious forest. It was not there anymore.

Redwood Forest

There should be several ways to depict grand natural sceneries, to set three dimensional background around the SIM, to use many SIMs, or to make every corner meticulous. The below is an example of the first one. It is impossible to go into, but the three-dimensional mountains are cool!

Redwood Forest

This is an extravagant ski resort using many SIMs. City SIMs make them spacious by detailing in every corner, like futuristic towns or the Venice SIM where a carnival is on now. It might be difficult to depict large things in SL. I have never seen Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls in SL. It might not be a proper way to enjoy SL but it might become possible to see such worlds by using micro avatars.

Redwood Forest

LEA Final Arts
LEA Farewell Party
LEA Closing
LEA Art 4/4
LEA Art 3/4
LEA Art 2/4
 LEA Final Arts (2019-09-08 18:05)
 LEA Farewell Party (2019-09-02 18:05)
 LEA Closing (2019-08-28 18:05)
 LEA Art 4/4 (2019-08-14 18:05)
 LEA Art 3/4 (2019-08-12 18:05)
 LEA Art 2/4 (2019-08-10 18:05)
Posted by Temi Oyen at 06:05│Comments(0)LEA