

Beaming and sleeping face

Masquerade reminds me of glasses. I do not have so many but I like sunglasses in RL. But when I was wearing it in SL, someone said “Having a close look, Temi has rather strong eyes.” So were the ones behind the mask. I was told so also in RL… But other one said “Anything is accepted if both smiling and sleeping faces are cute.” In RL, I am rather clunky but someone said my smiling and sleeping are nice.

Beaming and sleeping face

Both of them are not good in SL. As I wrote before, there is few beaming face. Changing the subject, this blog exceeded 1000 times before I noticed it. It is nothing but it may be rare to keep changing the profile pictures about 800 times. It means that I took so many self-portraits, but there is few smiling one,

Beaming and sleeping face

As for the sleeping faces I took many ones for my gallery pictures but it ended up with ones simply closing eyes. In RL, my family said my nose changes shape when sleeping. I asked to take picture and found that my nostrils seem to become a bit narrower. Also cheeks and lips are relaxed. There is no change on avatars so it will not become a real sleeping face. There will be more change in death. Cheek, lips, tongue, and eyelid will be fully flaccid. It may be impossible to make tongue and lips limp intentionally, so it is absolutely impossible to see own dead face.

Beaming and sleeping face

Attended a photo contest at Poti Aquarium. Please drop in and vote for me. You can get L$1 for the vote. The site is below, on the left toward the entrance.
Poti Aquarium: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus%20-%20Dido/183/21/26
Hydrangea: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1621404.html

Beaming and sleeping face

Sleeping and dead faces
Sleeping Ugly
Find a look-alike
Strong face
 Halloween (2023-10-14 18:05)
 Sleeping and dead faces (2023-09-23 18:05)
 Sleeping Ugly (2023-09-19 18:05)
 Find a look-alike (2023-09-12 18:05)
 Mommy-Long-Legs (2023-09-09 18:05)
 Strong face (2023-08-19 18:05)
Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05│Comments(0)Faces