

Foxy Treasure Hunting

One of my ways to enjoy SL birthdays is to gather many free gifts. I will take as many as possible and later enjoy them one by one. This year again I got more than fifty boxes. This corner is a treasure hunting style. The small red box on the right below corner of the board is the one.

Foxy Treasure Hunting

This is the site. It is too hard to find the small box in this beautiful mess. I tried hard but none I found. So, I brought up the big gun,

Foxy Treasure Hunting

Firstly, I derendered whole frills in the site. But I found only a couple of them. So I used a huge cannon, AreaSearch. It shows the distance to the object, which brings me close. Once a box was found, it should be derendered to avoid double search. I found all sixteen boxes. They were set behind lamps or cobbles. Some of them are impossible to be found I imagine. The AreaSearch is also effective while strolling in the SL16B. If you keep setting the search for “gift”, it will tell you when they come close.

Foxy Treasure Hunting

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Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05│Comments(0)Photo techniques