

Mesh nose 2

While internet surfing for my favorite songs, I found a very cute singer. Her nose has sharp ridge in profile and cute soft shape in full face, that is my ideal one! There are many beautiful ladies who have narrow and small nose, but the character of this singer is the movement.

Mesh nose 2

The big expression moves the mouth and nose drastically, that is not seen in avatars. Normally narrow nose has less muscle and does not move significantly, but this nose may be moved together with cheek and mouth.

Mesh nose 2

At any rate, the vigorous expression apart from the cute face was astounding.

Mesh nose 2

There is not so big move in the mesh head animation DEMO. The nose is moved together with cheek or lips, but it is hard to recognize since the move is minimal. They say it is possible to create own animations with considering face muscles and bones, but it seems to be too difficult for me. By the way, when do we use the animation thrusting out the tongue?

Mesh nose 2

There is a model shape with flared nose, it means that there are some persons who love this kind of shape. It was cool when Vanessa Williams was operating computer, she bit her lips and opened nostrils. Male movie star Omar Sy is also wow! The contrast with his bright smile is gorgeous.

Mesh nose 2

The movie “Eraser” was on the TV again. I got the scene when Vanessa opened her nostril. It is a kind of shock to watch such a cute beauty doing this, which has another charm than trembling narrow nostrils.

Mesh nose 2

Deka-Wanko by Kozueko Morimoto, a comic of a lady detective who has super sense of smell. I would like to see this movie with a star like Vanessa. Wanko opens her nostrils when smelling and was said, “Wow, what a strange face!” but never made her face strange intensionally. Sorry that the Japanese drama was different. It might be cute if only nodtrils were flared with normal or concentrated face…

Mesh nose 2

Sorry but if you feel bad by watching tasteless pictures, please be healed by her cool smile. While taking many pictures and checking them closely, I forgot some flaws of her face and started to love her. Is there any mesh head that makes this shape possible? This is Chloé Stafler, the famous beautiful singer-songwriter.

Mesh nose 2

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Posted by Temi Oyen at 18:05│Comments(0)Faces